
Clean, safe and professional environment

We strive to ensure your child dances in a clean, safe and professional environment. Our professionally-equipped main studio features hardwood flooring, full-length mirrors and ballet barres. Our studio is enhanced by a stereo system and professional lighting capability. Our second studio space also has a stereo system, and ballet barres. The school is located at our convenient location with ample parking within St. Demetrius Catholic School.

Dress Code

A dress code not only ensures that a teacher can see and correct a dancer’s alignment and posture, but also teaches students discipline, which contributes to overall focus and energy by “dressing the part,” dancers feel like dancers. Specific dress requirements can also create unity among the dancers instead of drawing more attention to some than others, much like a school uniform policy. A dress code shows respect for the work and can go a long way in minimizing distractions.

Proper Dance Attire

A dancer should always be perfectly dressed and groomed. It is part of the self-discipline which goes hand-in-hand with the dance training itself, and is evidence of the pupil’s serious approach. Boys should wear their hair short and neatly groomed. Girls should choose a neat style with long hair tied back, it must be in a bun to give a good line to the head and neck (See video instructions >>). Long fringes should be pinned back to show the face clearly, and no jewelry should be worn during the class. It distracts the teacher’s eye and if it flies off can prove dangerous to the others in the class.


  • Beige tights
  • Black leotard (plain no appliques)

  • Red slippers with matching elastics

  • Character skirt must be solid black


  • Black – form-fitting track pants, dance pants, tights or bike shorts

  • Yavir black t-shirt

  • Black ballet slippers with matching elastic

General Requirements

  • No street clothes for any classes

  • A good antiperspirant/deodorant must be worn

  • Short hair must be securely off the neck and pulled away from the face

  • Headbands may only be worn if securely fastened to hair/head

  • No excessive make up or jewellery

  • Any and all undergarments should not be visible at any time

Senior students

  • ballet slipper must be worn during barre work/ballet warm up;

  • dancers may change into jazz shoes, boots, character shoes when designated by instructor

*10% discount for registered Yavir students at Footloose Dancewear (2892 Bloor Street West)