16 01, 2018

Family Malanka 2018

2018-01-16T17:37:05-05:00January 16th, 2018|Entertainment, Official News|

[:en]A glamorous evening of celebration! Yavir school of Ukrainian Dance in collaboration with The Knights of Columbus Sheptitsky Council hosted another noteworthy Family Malanka. Multiple generations laughed, played, indulged in scrumptious foods and danced into the early morning to the musical stylings of ZIRKA at the Renaissance by the Creek. You are enthusiastically encouraged to join Yavir and the Knights [...]

12 01, 2018

Caroling 2017/18

2018-01-12T20:35:34-05:00January 12th, 2018|Entertainment, Official News, Social Networks|

[:en]Christ is born! Yavir celebrated this holiday season with great joy and loud singing, while walking door to door and spreading cheerful holiday spirit among all. We are so proud of our talented dancers, that have also proven to be quite the singers and musicians! So beautiful to see our culture continue to flourish within our young ones so far [...]


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